Thursday, 13 September 2012

what is blogging and how to create a blog?

What is Blogging and how to create a blog?

·         What is blogging really means?

                Firstly let me tell you that it is a profitable business in the internet   and blogs are easy to set up and manage. Just imagine that bloggers are paid to write on subjects they interested in, at any time, wherever! Flexibility around you allows to keep your blog. At your own place with the easy access around the world Internet cafes, blogs do not even get in the way of your holidays because it is all about your convenience only. Blogs can be created by our own for free…J

·         Would you be interested in? You can get one at

Ø or the new and better el
Ø   (Word Press is a free blog that is robust and scalable to infinite engine.)
Blogger is actually owned by Google, so it will be detected by the radar faster Google and that will be indexed faster., however, is a relatively new option, so have no comparison in speed to be indexed by search engines. However, Word Press is better in the sense that has more advanced features such as Trackbacks and categories. You can also manage your links more efficiently sidebar (more about this more later).
Initially get a blog, either from Blogger or WordPress. Then, familiarize yourself with the publishing your first post on your blog and play around a bit with the options and templates.

·         These are some of the words to begin to expand your vocabulary of blogs:

Ø  Permalink – Permalink means permanent link, which is a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that leads to a single post you make on your blog.
Ø  Trackback – When you publish about entry on the blog of someone else in another place, your message will be displayed in their “trackback” section. This feature, however, is not available with a Blogger account.
Ø  Pinging – Blogging seems to be paired with ping almost every time any of them mentioned today.Pinging is actually the action in which an aggregator of insurance are notified each time that your blog is updated, by what the aggregator can display the most recent message on his blog on his website. This is a useful way to gain traffic, which I will discuss in a future post.Then we will see the type of content that is suitable for your blog so that it is profitable. It must be understood that there is no fixed margin that your blog should have, which means that you can write about what you are interested in. that Yes, the difference between a profitable blog and how to write one unprofitable.
o    What you prefer: the reading of the notes from his Professor the University of Conferences or the latest novel of his favorite author? People prefer to read articles ‘light’ most of the time.
·         When you take a look at your blog, they are not only looking for information, they are also looking for information readily available.So, to attract more visitors, as well as to keep readers current back for more, it is very important to give a personal touch to your blog. This can be done with just imagine you’re talking to your friend. An additional advantage for the readers would be a great sense of humor, so try to add a humorous comment on articles where appropriate.
·         Another important point is to avoid addressing your reader as a plural unit. Do not write as if you were preparing a speech. Instead, write as if you were having a conversation with one person, a friend equal, because this will make the reader relate to you more easily. In addition, it is also very useful to establish your own personality through his words. We are very curious creatures, so, naturally, that visitors want to know all about you, the information you are offering them.
v  You have a distinctive personality in your blog is going to make a world of difference between your blog about gadgets and all other blogs on gadgets that there is. This is very similar to the creation of its own brand, where people immediately remember the name of your blog when you need information about the gadgets, like how people think immediately McDonald fast food or Nike sportswear.There is more on the topic of the content of the next time.When you spread the word about his command of blogs, and others who need to know about blogs will start form active to search! 
v  ALL THE BEST……. :) 

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